This series of brightly colored paintings and striking black and white drawings reflect my current emotional state (of mainly screaming). The work has also inspired my newest endeavor of creating a lifestyle brand, Panic Pillow. The series and brand share a bright exterior with a pessimistic viewpoint.
conversations: the art of process
Recent conversations the artist has had with herself and others inspired this series of paintings. These surreal and cartoon-like paintings convey specific conversations about religion, control, height, gender, inadequacy, and more…
Messy blessings
“It's easy be grateful for things like rainbows and unicorns and cupcake sprinkles, but what about all the stuff in life that normally goes unblessed? "Messy Blessings" is a celebration of the uncute and underloved things in the world. It's also about how rich life is when you realize just how much there is to be thankful for. Like morning breath and awkward hugs and cars dissolving into rust.”
Knock Knock children’s museum artist in residence
“I was very excited about the opportunity to work with the children at Front Yard Bikes through Knock Knock Children’s Museum residency program. Because this project needed to be made outside, it also needed to be durable and moveable. We decided the best action plan was to make a large mural on canvas. Creating work out in FYB’s lovely garden, it only felt right to create a scene representing the nature we were surrounded by…“
the rooms // the tables
Chaos, arguments, and strange characters who don’t seem to belong in the same moment: the rooms are an exploration of table talks. Think of these works as scenes from an entertaining Thanksgiving meal. Though dated, these paintings convey the artist’s growing inspiration and imagination. Some of the moments depicted in these paintings have gone on to become independent paintings in Conversations: The Art of Process.
Commission inquiries are currently open. Learn more about what Madeline can make for you.